Pacific exports increase

Exports Survey has found that business confidence among Pacific Island exporters has increased since 2014 with a growth in actual export numbers despite a decline in export destinations. Commissioned by Pacific Trade

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Kava evolution

HIGH along and beneath the ridges above Fiji’s Old Capital from where defiant Fijian warriors once fought the encroaching West, reconciliation is taking place – thanks to a plant that is changing lives.

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Kava – is it the answer to cancer?

NEW research that found traditionallyprepared kava could be the answer in the fight against cancer has been welcomed by kava producers in the Pacific. Fiji’s kava species were singled out in this study by

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Fulfilling the prophetic role

Time for the churches to speak THE church continues to play an integral part in community life in the region more than 200 years after the arrival of the first missionaries. From Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the east to

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The rot under scrutiny

Faith leaders told to address social, political ills LEADERS of faith-based organisations must address corruption and the unequal distribution of national wealth if social and political crises are to be averted in the

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Churches fight Indon abuses

A NEW-LOOK Papua New Guinea Council of Churches has vowed to step up the fight against human rights abuses by Indonesian security forces across the border. After more than a week of talks and years of negotiations,

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Oceania Customs Organisation

Effective Border Management LAW enforcement and border security has been an important area of focus for Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) given that effective border management is needed to facilitate trade in goods

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God is dead

“GOD is dead, God remains dead and we have killed him”, the enigmatic words of the German Philosopher – Friedrich Nietzsche. In a predominantly God and rugby obsessed nation like our own, these words

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