Movers and Shakers On-line registration

THE Solomon Islands has introduced online registration for business applicants at the Business Registry. Launched last week with a new look, Company Haus website caters to online applications for foreign investment

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Credit can increase without Government guarantees

Accessing credit is difficult for businesses in the Pacific. While there’s enough liquidity in the banking system, the ratio of private sector credit to GDP is in most cases less than 50 percent— similar to the

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Water boss

Samoan heads regional body The Pacific Waters and Wastewater Association has appointed Pitolau Lusia Sefo-Leau of Samoa as its new Chief Executive Officer. Ms Sefo-Leau (inset) brings to the organization an extensive

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Time to review development model

It’s more than just building roads, says Thomson DEVELOPMENT should be about more than building roads or buying air conditioners, the President of the UN General Assembly, Peter Thomson, told IPS in a recent

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Connecting seafood businesses with investors

OVER 60 per cent of the enterprises gained investment, new partners or new customers from connections made during the event participating in an event that aims to connect seafood industries with investors. Founded by

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First ancestry of Ni-Vanuatu is Asian: New DNA Discoveries recently published

In October a major academic paper was published in Nature, which solved many questions of the origins of Pacific peoples. Nature published “Genomic insights into the peopling of the Southwest Pacific”, based on a

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Playing with space

Making a difference to climate change THE slow but certain onslaught of climate change continues to impact the lives of millions of people across the world. In the Pacific, communities in Fiji have moved to higher

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New brand for South Pacific tourism

COOK Islands Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism, the Honourable Henry Puna has officially launched a new brand and identity to promote South Pacific tourism globally after it was approved at the 26th Council of

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Danger – Tourists

Industry acts to protect small islands TOURISM provides close to $USD3.3billion in revenue across the Pacific each year with this figure expected to grow at a steady rate to around $USD4billion in 2019. Arrivals stood

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Australia the US ally

Turnbull plays his Trump card IN his first statement congratulating Donald Trump on his victory in the US Presidential Election, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull spoke glowingly of the strength of

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Demand for energy savers

Concern over lack of trained mechanics AS more and more Fijians are switching from conventional vehicles to the more fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles, the demand for properly trained mechanics something the Fijian market

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The Journey of Girmit

Escape from despair to build a land of opportunity THE SS Sutlej reached Suva Harbour on the evening of November 2, 1916, some 25 days after clearing the port of Madras. It had on board 875 Indian indentured immigrants,

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