Prime Minister’s signature is expensive

The decision of Samoa’s Prime Minister to sign a letter in support of two convicted rapists has raised serious questions from the country’s Opposition Party Tautua Samoa. According to the Party, the Prime

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10,000 foreign workers to go in the Marianas

US Labour Secretary has until July 4 “It will be a disaster,” said Juan T. Guerrero, general manager of the largest and oldest bakery in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as he ponders on the

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Air Marshall Islands’ ongoing downward spiral

Lack of money fuels air woes In 2003, an ADB report said: “The financial position of Air Marshall Islands is precarious—it has never made an operating profit and depends heavily on government

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Coastal flooding to threaten Vanuatu

Technology predicts catastrophe More than 3000 people displaced by coastal flooding and large sections of Vanuatu’s two main towns inundated is the catastrophic scenario predicted by the end of the century.

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Revival of a disappearing resource

SPC and partners work to rebuild green snail fishery in Vanuatu Human activity has had profound effects on the productivity of fisheries resources. In the future, climate change could have similarly devastating impacts

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‘Different animal:’ Fiji is a different animal when it comes to tourism. That’s the verdict of a seasoned Pacific tourism campaigner when confronted by Fiji’s aggressive presence in the

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Samoa-born Leapai loses fight but $1million richer

Declares “bigger, badder” comeback IT was a fight doomed to favour his opponent yet Samoan-born Alex Leapai entered the world stage ring with an outside chance. He had a few die-hard optimists in his corner

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Carsasses’ out, Natuman’s in

I t had all the guile and secrecy of a commando raid. And as much impact. This was the demise of Vanuatu Prime Minister Moana Carcasses after 14 months in the top job. He entered parliament on May 15 confident he had

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A cheap wood-fired cooking stove for the islands

Most islands in the Pacific notably Melanesian countries of Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and PNG have no shortage of wood fuel for cooking. When I analysed the 2008-09 Household Income and Expenditure Survey for the

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Lack of data affects tuna stock assessments

Foreign fishing nations who benefit immensely from fishing in the Western and Central Pacific region’s US$7.2 billion fishery are not releasing valuable tuna stock data needed to manage and sustain the industry.

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World Oceans Day – 8 June

“We are the sea. We are the ocean. We must wake up to this ancient truth.” – Professor Epeli Hau’ofa The oceans play a vital role in supporting all life on Earth. The oxygen in every third breath

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Donations to flood victims in Solomons mount

The two-day flash flooding that began on April 2 struck at the heart of Solomon Islands The two-day flash flooding that began on April 2 struck at the heart of Solomon Islands’ administrative and business and

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