“People want to travel, they want to live again”

As coronavirus began spreading around the world in early 2020, even the far-flung islands of French Polynesia were affected. The first case of COVID-19 was recorded in Tahiti on 10 March 2020, after politician Maina

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A fraying lifeline: Chronically under-funded and lacking resources

Pacific islands health care faces the crisis of a lifetime The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just highlighted the Pacific’s fragile health systems.  It’s amplified the central role that public health plays in all

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“At 33 years old, I felt like I was 90”

COVID-19 challenges in Noumea and Papeete By Nic Maclellan Hina Montas was making a cup of tea and forgot to turn the gas off. It was only when her partner came home and smelt the gas filling the kitchen, that she

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“It looks like malaria, dengue, pneumonia and asthma all in one”

By Scott Waide Our mother, Patricia, sits on the bed in the small room she is currently sharing with our dad, Peter. There’s an oxygen bottle at the bedside and she’s breathing through a tube. She was sleeping

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COVAX: A lost opportunity

By Dan McGarry COVAX could have provided nations with a rallying point to promote international unity and cooperation. It could have put developing countries on even ground with the most advanced nations. It’s parent

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COVID-19 lessons for public messaging

By Mere Nailatikau Whether it was the early reports out of China in late 2019, the World Health Organization’s announcement of a pandemic in March 2020, or the dreaded first official announcement of an in-country

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Fit for purpose

Concerns over Solomon Islands quarantine centres By Ben Bilua The smell of new paint is still strong at the newly refurbished Nusatupe Quarantine site in Solomon Islands. The quarantine site has been empty since its

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Five-year timeline to vaccinate

By Kevin McQuillan New modelling has revealed that Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea will have vaccinated less than 20% of their adult populations by the end of this year and it could take five years to

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Rewarding the sick?

Palau needs NCD prevention, not just off-island referrals By Bernadette Carreon Palau’s looming non communicable disease burden needs to be treated with the same urgency and priority as environmental issues says a

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Malapoa College serves up aelan kaikai

By Len Garae The kitchen of Malapoa College was full of the sound of sizzling and stirring, and smells that made my imagination run wild when I visited recently. That day the college’s 1600 students lunched on grated

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Setbacks at COP26 climate talks

By Nic Maclellan On one hand, the index finger is raised. On the other, five digits are displayed. One point five. 1.5 to stay alive. In the midst of the global pandemic, Pacific delegations mobilised to campaign for

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Our Ocean’s Promise

From Aspirations to Inspirations: The Marshall Islands Fishing Story By Giff Johnson The story of how the Marshall Islands went from being a bystander in commercial fishing in the Pacific to operating the world’s

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