SO the Solomon Islands has the cleanest air in the world according to a World Health Organization report released last month. In fact the report states that the air in the Solomons has the least pollution or foreign particles per square inch.
Even New Zealand, long seen as the cleanest country in the region does not have air as clean as that in the Happy Isles. The declaration is a huge boost for the Solomons which wants to attract more visitors to its untouched beauty in the islands – inland and also along the coast.
One United Nations official from Indonesia was recently heard commenting at a regional event that he was pleasantly surprised by the breath-taking beauty of destinations outside the capital, Honiara. And that is the unfortunate truth. Honiara is a dirty town plagued by traffic congestion, rubbish, mosquitoes and the ubiquitous betel nut splotches on the roads and walls. But a flight to any of the islands is like stepping into a completely different world.
Luscious, dense, green forests and crystal clear waters lie just 30 minutes away from the main island.
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