Time for the churches to speak
THE church continues to play an integral part in community life in the region more than 200 years after the arrival of the first missionaries. From Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the east to Papua in the west, villagers continue to flock to church for week day and Sunday services and offer God the produce of their plantations and fishing grounds.
From Tonga in the south to Palau in the north God remains a central part of the lives of people in government, commerce and everyday life. Throughout the region the church continues to hold influence over village elders, government ministers, national sports representatives and children.
Since the advent of Christianity many of the Pacific’s diverse peoples have come to believe that their future success, failure, happiness and security are determined by how well they serve God today. Much comfort is gained in communities by inviting the local cleric to invoke God’s blessings upon communal or national projects. That is why it is so important for our church leaders to speak out on issues of importance.
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