We Say: More drama at USP

The rot continues at the University of the South Pacific. As we went to print, news broke that the USP’s supreme body, the USP Council has established a team to investigate its vice chancellor and president Professor

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We say – Upheaval continues at USP

“It has been a year of hell. I have suffered enormously and so has my family for doing the right thing.” That was the testimony of University of South Pacific Vice Chancellor, Professor Pal Ahluwalia to the Fiji

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We say – ‘We’re no pawns in your chess game’

There was no joy for Taiwan in September, as it lost the support of two of its Pacific island supporters in quick succession in Solomon Islands and Kiribati. The Solomons, under the leadership of newly-elected Prime

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We say

Reporting SDG progress OUR islands of the Pacific are truly heaven on earth if the reading of their recent reporting to the United Nations on progress made on advancing the 2030 Agenda for sustainable

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We Say

There’s less than a month to go until the results of the independent investigation into allegations of abuse and mismanagement at the University of the South Pacific are to be delivered. The details of the Terms of

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Making of the world’s richest black Christian nation

Changing of the guard in PNG’s political leadership FOR someone who is still in the honeymoon period, James Marape is saying the right things. His words match his actions, so far. Marape has said that

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Israel Folau is no martyr

SO Israel Folau will learn of his future as a professional rugby football star in Australia in early May. That is when the threemember tribunal will convene his code of conduct hearing for breaching

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Israel Folau is no martyr

SO Israel Folau will learn of his future as a professional rugby football star in Australia in early May. That is when the threemember tribunal will convene his code of conduct hearing for breaching

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Solomon Islands goes to the polls

SOLOMON Islands voters are on the verge of choosing their next government as the country goes to the polls amidst major economic and environmental challenges. The 3 April election is a test of the country’s

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Going Renewable

Pacific island states take the lead in energy transformation WITH the world going out in a large way towards adopting green and clean energy that is renewable, it makes no ecological or economic sense for any country in

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No more tokens please

Australia needs to treat the Pacific with a little more respect THE flying visit by Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, this month through Fiji and Vanuatu has been hailed as the beginning of a new era in

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Give the Pacific a ‘fair go’

THE recent disparaging remarks made by Australia’s Environment Minister, Melissa Price, to former Kiribati President Anote Tong is a reminder of all that is bad about Australia and its views of the

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