Fiji-born entrepreneur lands a logical acquisition

Suva born New Zealand technology entrepreneur Daven Naidu has acquired the entire national chain of Apple Computer retail stores across New Zealand. His Auckland based company Logical Systems, which also operates in Fiji, bought out all the YooBee stores, which sell Apple computers besides a wide range of other high technology consumer electronics products across New Zealand in March this year.

YouBee is well known as the ‘Home of Apple’ in New Zealand. The chain consists of glitzy stores in upscale shopping districts of all the country’s major urban centres – Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Christchurch. The stores sell the entire range of Apple products – desktop and laptop computers, tablets, phones, digital music and video devices and a widening range of accessories. YouBee also runs service centres on the premises. An Apple man to the core for three decades, Daven’s company Logical Systems earned its reputation as a dealer and service centre for the world’s most recognised computing brand. Having worked his way up the extremely competitive technology sales and service market over the past two decades, the acquisition of the national retail chain selling products bearing the world’s most valuable brand name and logo is a veritable highpoint in Daven’s entrepreneurial career.

Humble roots: From humble beginnings in the quiet backstreets of Suva’s Toorak to the bright, plush environs of showrooms retailing the world’s most popular tech brand throughout New Zealand, it has been a long but eventful journey for Daven Naidu. Landing in Auckland alone as a young adult with all his worldly belongings in a small suitcase and just a few dollars in his pocket, Daven began life in New Zealand as a student, working odds and ends to meet his living expenses.

Not much later, he qualified himself as an engineer and began working long hours at a computer service unit. He did the hard yards for several years, picking up in the process both the technical and management sides of the technology products retail and service business. It did not take long for him to realise he could do better if he struck out on his own and became his own boss. Daven took the plunge and started out with his own computer sales and service firm.

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