Sogavare moves to tighten grip

THE third meeting of the 10th Parliament of Solomon Islands begins on Thursday 15th October 2015.

This meeting was delayed since July due to the busy schedule of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. The October sitting follows Sogavare’s attendance at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting in New York.

Bills or government businesses were not yet finalised at the time of writing, but one thing that is clear was the deliberate attempt by Sogavare to strengthen his Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government ahead of any move to stabilise his group.

Two re-shuffling of ministers were done in the last two months but the first one in August was the more controversial of the exercises. The August reshuffling of some key ministers in his cabinet was an indication of attempts to level the seemingly rough road ahead.

In announcing these changes, Sogavare said with the proposed forestry reforms currently being undertaken by his DCC Government and due to the significance this sector has on the national economy, he wants to ensure any progress made to effectively regulate the industry, maximise returns and improve sustainability.

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