Shortage of fuel in Banaba

There has been a shortage of fuel on the island of Banaba for more than five months now. A Community Worker on the island Banian Burenimoone reports to Radio Kiribati News, the shortage has affected the income

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Solar challenge in PNG

Papua New Guinea Manufacturers Council chief executive officer Chey Scovell says PNG Power Limited (PPL) has admitted that there is no end in sight to electricity supply woes in the country. And those in authority have

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A new era of prosperity: Guam Governor Guerrero

Guam Governor Lou Leon Guerrero defended her record at a critical juncture of her second term in Adelup, declaring Guam’s recovery in a bid to counter her critics’ “enduring pessimism” and denouncing “meanness

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China urges Japan to heed concerns on water disposal

China urges Japan to take seriously the legitimate concerns of all parties, and dispose of the nuclear-contaminated water in a science-based, open, transparent and safe manner, foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin

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Flying Fijians plan to build on Drua success

The joy on the faces of the large crowd bathed in sunshine at Churchill Park in Lautoka when the Fijian Drua shocked the Crusaders in the third round of Super Rugby Pacific last weekend spoke volumes for the passion the

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Pacific nations explore opportunities to push for fossil fuel phase out

A yes vote at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) later this month to Vanuatu’s request for Advisory Opinion (AO) from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the obligations of States in respect of climate

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More Pacific countries likely to join the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

More Pacific countries are expected to join the global campaign to phase out the production and stockpiling of fossil fuels – after this week’s dialogue to build regional support and solidarity towards just

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Fiji backs AUKUS as Canberra soothes regional tension

One of the Pacific’s key leaders has told Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese he supports the AUKUS agreement during a whistle-stop meeting on Wednesday as the PM continued diplomatic efforts to reassure

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MSG marks 35 year anniversary

The Director General of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) says the Secretariat is confident that under Kalsakau’s Chairmanship, “we can take our cooperative relationship in MSG to a higher level”. The

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BSP Life Reaffirms Support for FHRI Convention

BSP Life is pleased to reaffirm its sponsorship of $40,000 for the 2023 Fiji Human Resources Institute (FHRI) convention. The most awaited Human Resources (HR) event will bring professionals from various industries

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