U.S. extradites naturalised Marshallese citizens in alleged bribery scheme

The United States Justice Department unsealed an indictment Saturday against two naturalised Marshall Islands citizens accused of bribing numerous high-level elected and other officials in the Marshall Islands to gain

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Kiribati drought at critical stage says UNICEF

Fears of malnutrition and other illnesses are mounting in Kiribati as the country grapples with an ongoing drought. The Kiribati government in June declared a state of disaster after the discovery of high salinity

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Verdict on Vanuatu Dissolution to be declared September 9

The constitutional case to decide whether or not there will be an early election in Vanuatu will not be decided until the end of this week. At Friday’s hearing before Chief Justice Vincent Lunabek, the counsel for the

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Pacific Islands Forum re-engages with Kiribati

Fijian Prime Minister and Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum Voreqe Bainimarama says Forum Leaders are committed to exploring options for closer diplomatic engagement between Kiribati and the Pacific Islands Forum.

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American Samoa: Amata says No to U.S. citizenship

American Samoa Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata supports U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision not to ‘impose’ U.S. citizenship on U.S. nationals in American Samoa.  “I am gratified that the Biden

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Fijian Warriors finishes the series in style

Fijian Warriors finished off the Fiji Rugby Invitational Series in style beating Manuma Samoa 39-22 in the final match at HFC Bank Stadium in Suva, Saturday. Captain Tetiva Ikanivere opened the scoresheet for the Fijian

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‘If we win, it’s going to be huge!’ : Cook Islands Cricket coach

The Cook Islands national cricket squad departed for Auckland last week to join the other half of their team before going to the East Asia Pacific Sub-Regional Qualifying Tournament in Vanuatu. The national side,

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Fiji Tourism looks north

As Fiji reopens to the world, Tourism Fiji’s top priority is securing new markets. “We were very serious about what we were doing over there,” says Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill about Fiji Airways’ recent

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Economic diversification is key for Fiji

Fiji’s recovery is good; however it needs to diversify its economy said Dr Kishti Sen, ANZ Pacific Economist, during his visit to Fiji last week. “Our expectations towards the end of last year was that the tourism

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Niue premier warns against falsifying travel documents

The Niue government is concerned as allegations emerge of passengers falsifying travel application requirements while the Health Department continues investigations into the origin of the index case of the current

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PNG facing downgrade, says Popoitai

Frustrated by the lack of prosecution of financially-motivated crime cases, Bank of PNG has warned that the country’s global standing and cost of banking could be affected as a result. Bank of Papua New Guinea acting

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PNG proposed carbon credit law queried

Hiri-Koiari MP Keith Iduhu has asked in Papua New Guinea Parliament for an update on a proposed amendment by the Forestry Authority to include forestry produce under its authority. This would include classifying carbon

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