Tuilaepa rallies in vain

Fiame Naomi Mata’afa

The political car rally that took place in Apia led by former Prime Minister of Samoa, Tuilaepa Sailele Lupesoliai Malielegaoi on July 30 was reminiscent of the rallies staged by supporters of former President Donald Trump across the United States, even after he lost the 2021 elections and exhausted a number of legal challenges.

Tuilaepa urged his supporters to come out in large numbers, calling for the ‘restoration’ of Samoa’s Constitution.

“The whole purpose of our political rally is to restore and respect the integrity and dignity of this nation’s Constitution, the Supreme Law of our country, which stipulates the Rule of Law which the citizens of Samoa must all observe so that our people can continue to live in peace and in a stable environment”, he told media before the rally.

The Constitution he was wanting to preserve, put the power in the hands of the people who then elected a new leader in Fiame Naomi Mata’afa.

The Judiciary he was protesting against, were the very people who upheld the rule of law and made way for a peaceful transition of power.

But, even after reluctantly packing his personal effects in the office he had occupied for 23 years, Tuilaepa, it seemed, was not leaving quietly.

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