Saving for a rainy (cyclonic, drought-stricken, storm-surge) day

  It is well understood that the Pacific Islands is one of the least insured regions in the world, with some estimates putting the penetration rate at just 3.6%. These figures are particularly sobering given our

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Saving for a rainy day

It is well understood that the Pacific Islands is one of the least insured regions in the world, with some estimates putting the penetration rate at just 3.6%. These figures are particularly sobering given our

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Palau travel bubble hits a snag

The travel bubble between Taiwan and Palau is in danger of popping following low interest from Taiwanese tourists to take a holiday from a year of COVID-19  border restrictions. In an effort to revitalise

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Training Coalition faces a reckoning

A multimillion-dollar program aimed at supporting “a more prosperous Pacific driven by a skilled, competitive and productive workforce” is undergoing controversial changes which could have significant impacts on the

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Australia Pacific Training Coalition

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Near horizons: Vunilagi’s community literacy efforts

Our children are valuable and we have the responsibility to ensure that they are educated;  that they have the basic needs to go through school.” That’s the firmly-held belief of Vunilagi Book Club founder

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Tuvalu’s ‘Mother of all information’

On any given weekday afternoon, the small Tuvalu National Library and Archive building on Funafuti is a hive of activity. Under the leadership of Chief Librarian and Archivist, Noa Petueli Tapumanaia, the library offers

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Tuvalu’s ‘Mother of all information’

  On any given weekday afternoon, the small Tuvalu National Library and Archive building on Funafuti is a hive of activity. Under the leadership of Chief Librarian and Archivist, Noa Petueli Tapumanaia, the library

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Opinion: Forum’s moral failure for Melanesians

During the recent crisis over the appointment of Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat’s new Secretary General (former Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna), much public debate occurred over the supposed

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The Low-down on USP

In drawing to conclude ‘What Is to Become of USP?’ (see Islands Business August 2020), I acquiesced to the prospect that the University may already be undergoing transition from a ‘public good’ to a ‘club

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Fiji’s Ministry of Health works closely with local Disabled Persons Organisations

Following recent lobbying efforts for disability inclusion within the Fijian Government’s COVID-19 response, Organisations of persons with disabilities in Fiji has forged partnership with the Ministry of Health to map

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Australia National University-College of Asia and the Pacific

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