Protecting food security in the face of COVID-19

SPC Land Resources DivisionIn a move to help boost food security as the Pacific recovers from COVID-19, The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources Division (LRD) has established two rapid response projects: The

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BUILDING COMMUNITIES: Providing safe and sanitary water supply in the Pacific

Providing basic access to safe water and services is essential in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in the Pacific region. However, access to improved sanitation is uneven in the region. According to UNICEF,

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Woman Dairy farmer benefits from Agriculture programme

Reducing Fiji’s dairy import bill is one of the key focuses of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Dairy Industry Support programme. Agriculture Permanent Secretary, Mr. Ritesh Dass said the programme was designed to help

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Karyon Organic: The Key to Soil Health & Fertility

Farmers all around the world experience the same problem; over time, their crop yield slowly drops, the amount of fertiliser they need to use (as well as the amount of money they must spend) goes up, and their crops

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Sacred concept of the vā underpins study

New Pacific research from AUT puts the sacred concept of the vā at the heart of its study.  For pan-Pacific peoples, the vā is generally acknowledged as the relational spaces that bind and unify all people and

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