Brawn but no brains?

A couple of years ago, a Fijian who had been engaged as deck crew on a tuna longliner was ‘offloaded’ in Hong Kong; he knew no-one there and had little money. Why was that action taken? Was he lazy, or ate ‘too

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The Unfinished business of Pacer Plus

Despite the regional agreement PACER Plus coming into effect on 13 December 2020, serious weaknesses are still being pointed out, as in the influential ANU publication Development Policy Blog (DPB 25 and 26 Nov. 2020),

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Derogation of State Power to the Region Not an Option

In my last article in this magazine, I referred to the structure of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and its system of decision-making as being antiquated. This was on the basis that PIF’s type of regionalism is

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AUT Associate Professor receives inaugural PHANZ Pasifika Award

Associate Professor Dr El-Shadan Tautolo has been recognised for his outstanding achievement and leadership in Pacific public health. The Public Health Association of New Zealand honours outstanding contributions to the

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Karyon: improving crop yields, reducing hidden hunger

Vanua Levu farmer, Isikeli is one of the many Fijians who saw his property destroyed during Tropical Cyclone Yasa in late 2020. The roof of his home came off in the strong winds. But the first thing he is

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Fiji Bloom: Nurturing Businesses from the Ground Up

Fiji’s first business accelerator program for micro-entrepreneurs successfully graduated nine businesswomen in a simple ceremony last November. An intensive six-month program, which combines formal training sessions

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View from the West

I have a confession to make. Lately, I’ve been obsessed about those Asian Subterranean Termites and how they’ve caused so much destruction in our western suburbs here in Fiji. They burrow with almost silent but

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Sending a message with Seselja? In a Cabinet re-shuffle, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has appointed Liberal Senator Zed Seselja as Minister for International Development and the Pacific, replacing Alex

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Pacific Briefs

American Samoa There’s new hope for American Samoans stranded in the United States since the territory’s borders closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March. More than 500 people are estimated to be

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Movers and Shakers

Easter Chu Shing is the new Deputy Director General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Chu Shing has worked with SPREP for the past 10 years, originally as the Biodiversity Adviser

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