Former banker aims to unite Fiji

ONE of Fiji’s newest political parties has not ruled out contesting Fiji’s general elections due to be held in 2018 in coalition with other parties that are opposed to the ruling Fiji First Party of Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama.

Unity Fiji is led by a former governor of Fiji’s reserve bank now economic consultant with international financial institutions, Savenaca Narube. Speaking exclusively to this magazine, Narube confirmed his party has been participating in talks with other parties, discussing many issues including fielding common candidates.

“But we are not in complete control of these discussions,” the former central bank governor added. If contesting the 2018 elections as a grand coalition could not be achieved, Narube said his party would be happy to consider revisiting the matter post elections.

The senior economist also spoke about the reasons he could not join existing parties currently forming the opposition in Fiji’s parliament, that of SODELPA and the National Federation Party.

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