Voice against injustice

IN August 1945 the United States destroyed the Japanese city of Nagasaki with an atomic bomb in an event which changed the world forever. More than 70 years later the race for nuclear supremacy continues unabated. Just

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Melanesian challenge

Diplomat calls for greater sub-regionalism A SENIOR regional diplomat has called for more cooperation at sub-regional level to create more efficient service delivery by regional organisations. Melanesian Spearhead Group

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Leading diplomat FIJIAN diplomat Amena Yauvoli is the toast of the regional diplomatic community. Not only is he Director-General of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, Yauvoli is also Fiji’s climate change expert. That

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French in the House

Pacific Islands go French AT least two major regional bodies have hit legal and administrative roadblocks as they move to implement the decisions of Pacific leaders to include the French territories of French Polynesia

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Solomon Islands after RAMSI

ON June 30 the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) came to an end. Established in July, 2003, RAMSI has been a feature of life in Solomon Islands for more than a third of its history as an independent

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Beauty with purpose

Miss World Fiji to use global pageant to spread divine word FULL-TIME missionary and university science graduate Nanise Rainima will represent Fiji at this year’s Miss World Pageant to be staged in China in November.

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The world pledges to save our home

READING through the world’s pledges for the protection of our oceans during the first-ever Oceans Conference that Fiji and Sweden co-chaired at the United Nations headquarters in New York in June, one could easily be

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Big blow for Pacific coalition at IMO negotiations

DESPITE the passionate plea of a coalition of Pacific leaders, the world’s leading shipping organisation has failed to agree to urgently tackle the industry’s impact on climate change. After a two-week meeting in

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Shipping can’t afford to slow steam on climate

WHILE US President Donald Trump has his head in sand on climate change, shipping cannot afford the same luxury and must act to cut back on greenhouse emissions. More importantly for governments and shipping companies in

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The decreed legacy of Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum

THE Attorney General and Minister for the Economy Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum is probably the most influential Minister this country has ever had. His influence is everywhere, in the Decrees, the Constitution, the Electoral

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In the pursuit of gender inclusive peace

A PACIFIC network of peacebuilders committed to progressing commitments to gender inclusive conflict prevention and human security plans to continue more than a decade of work by celebrate the knowledge and strength of

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New lease of life for vendors

BEFORE the break of dawn, Anare Volanavanua and his wife jump right into their daily routine of preparing their produce for selling at the Nadi Market. As days go by, age catches up with the perservering couple. Fatigue

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