Using and misusing GDP

What the figures really say about Fiji’s economy IF Fiji’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is growing at 4 per cent per year, the public can normally conclude that this is “good for Fiji

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Using and misusing GDP

What the figures really say about Fiji’s economy IF Fiji’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is growing at 4 per cent per year, the public can normally conclude that this is “good for Fiji

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Gender equity is good business

TACKLING the glass ceiling, equal pay for equal work. Just some of the women’s rights movement mantras advocating that gender equity and equality can generate a successful and productive workforce. The reality,

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Gender equity is good business

TACKLING the glass ceiling, equal pay for equal work. Just some of the women’s rights movement mantras advocating that gender equity and equality can generate a successful and productive workforce. The reality,

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Unity the key for Vanuatu

LAST month’s Vanuatu report in these pages saw the Kalsakau Opposition ready to stymie the Salwai Coalition Government. However, in the wake of a Chief Justice ruling which declared the parliamentary sitting

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Unity the key for Vanuatu

LAST month’s Vanuatu report in these pages saw the Kalsakau Opposition ready to stymie the Salwai Coalition Government. However, in the wake of a Chief Justice ruling which declared the parliamentary sitting

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Red flag day

Police seize freedom symbol ONE phone from the Indonesian Embassy in Suva was all it took for Fiji’s security apparatus to go into overdrive. Police officers descended on the Pacific Conference of Churches

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Red flag day

Police seize freedom symbol ONE phone from the Indonesian Embassy in Suva was all it took for Fiji’s security apparatus to go into overdrive. Police officers descended on the Pacific Conference of Churches Secretariat

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Problematic Panguna

THE MINERALS in Panguna are owned by the people of Bougainville as they shed blood over them and it is certainly possible Panguna mine, once a major producer and one of the largest open pit mines in the world will not

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Problematic Panguna

THE MINERALS in Panguna are owned by the people of Bougainville as they shed blood over them and it is certainly possible Panguna mine, once a major producer and one of the largest open pit mines in the world will not

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Nation under siege

THE pressure from a nationwide university student unrest, union unrests and vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Peter O’Neill would not be as high if the economy were stronger. PNG’s economy is one

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Nation under siege

THE pressure from a nationwide university student unrest, union unrests and vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Peter O’Neill would not be as high if the economy were stronger. PNG’s economy is one

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O’Neill survives vote

PNG PRESSURE Political turmoil, student unrest and strikes cripple economy. PRIME MINISTER Peter O’Neill has convincingly defeated the vote of no confidence in him to remain in office despite uncertainties

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O’Neill survives vote

PNG PRESSURE Political turmoil, student unrest and strikes cripple economy. PRIME MINISTER Peter O’Neill has convincingly defeated the vote of no confidence in him to remain in office despite uncertainties

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FISHY story .. Apperently a number of executives from three countries which fish in the Pacific have been implicated in preventing the sale of non-FAD (fish aggregating devices) products. This means they have taken a

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FISHY story .. Apperently a number of executives from three countries which fish in the Pacific have been implicated in preventing the sale of non-FAD (fish aggregating devices) products. This means they have taken a

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Watch that size

OBESITY continues to be a problem which must be addressed if we are to build a healthier region. For this obesity will eventually lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Across the Pacific, lifestyles

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Watch that size

OBESITY continues to be a problem which must be addressed if we are to build a healthier region. For this obesity will eventually lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Across the Pacific, lifestyles

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