Unity the key for Vanuatu

LAST month’s Vanuatu report in these pages saw the Kalsakau Opposition ready to stymie the Salwai Coalition Government. However, in the wake of a Chief Justice ruling which declared the parliamentary sitting termination by the Opposition “a disaster”, the Constitutional Review Committee begins its first sitting next week.

Constitutional review is what caused the ructions a month ago. And the Leader of the Opposition will be on the new committee. Working together presently seems to be the order of the day. The Opposition Leader has latterly even applauded the new restrictions on the usage of G cars by civil servants. Lands Minister Ralph Regenvanu is the chairman of the Constitutional Review Committee. MP Johnny Koanapo, who has been heading the Recovery Committee following Cyclone Pam, is vice chairman.

They will be making use of the expertise of many people from a variety of walks of life and following consultation with the electors of the country. Chairman Regenvanu told Islands Business that the CRC’s first report will be ready by the end of August. It should then be known whether a national referendum will be necessary.

The hope of all is that such agreement could be reached by the CRC membership that the expensive undertaking of a national referendum could be avoided. Chairman Regenvanu said the Government would only proceed to the tricky amendments to the Constitution after agreement had been achieved in the CRC.

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Unity the key for Vanuatu

LAST month’s Vanuatu report in these pages saw the Kalsakau Opposition ready to stymie the Salwai Coalition Government. However, in the wake of a Chief Justice ruling which declared the parliamentary sitting termination by the Opposition “a disaster”, the Constitutional Review Committee begins its first sitting next week.

Constitutional review is what caused the ructions a month ago. And the Leader of the Opposition will be on the new committee. Working together presently seems to be the order of the day. The Opposition Leader has latterly even applauded the new restrictions on the usage of G cars by civil servants. Lands Minister Ralph Regenvanu is the chairman of the Constitutional Review Committee. MP Johnny Koanapo, who has been heading the Recovery Committee following Cyclone Pam, is vice chairman.

They will be making use of the expertise of many people from a variety of walks of life and following consultation with the electors of the country. Chairman Regenvanu told Islands Business that the CRC’s first report will be ready by the end of August. It should then be known whether a national referendum will be necessary.

The hope of all is that such agreement could be reached by the CRC membership that the expensive undertaking of a national referendum could be avoided. Chairman Regenvanu said the Government would only proceed to the tricky amendments to the Constitution after agreement had been achieved in the CRC.

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