PCN responds to housing scandal allegations

SIR – I could hardly believe my eyes to see that Netani Rika, managing director and publisher of Islands Business could publish an article in the July edition about The People’s Community Network (PCN) Housing Project at Lagilagi without first contacting me as chair of the board. It was full of misinterpretation provided to him by Walesio Tolevu and Eroni Ratuwalesi, ex-staff of PCN. They claim to seek justice for the poor squatters of Jittu and talk about “corruption” and “scandal”, “nepotism” and “misappropriation of member’s funds”. In fact they are rumour mongers and trouble-makers with failed leadership aspirations. They are not “at the forefront of the fight for a just deal for the PCN members” but rather at the forefront of a vindictive fight for their own selfish ambitions and jealousy. I have been deeply disappointed in them and regret having to expose here their misrepresentation. They were once respected and trusted members of staff.

Falsehood 1. The article says that “of the 120 families which occupy flats … at least 20 do not qualify for the homes”. “Documents provided to Islands Business show that of the initial 120 family units, two are occupied by PCN staff members – assistant directors Mesake Dakai and Savu Tawake”. In fact only 76 units (are occupied so the “documents” provided to Islands Business must have been very faulty. The staff members concerned are long-time residents of Jittu and, although their salaries are a bit above $16,500, we wanted them there as leaders in the community to supervise the development. Walesio doesn’t mention that he also has one of the housing units for the same reason. Nor does he mention that Eroni Ratuwalesi demanded a three-bedroom unit even though he never lived as a squatter in Jittu.

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PCN responds to housing scandal allegations

SIR – I could hardly believe my eyes to see that Netani Rika, managing director and publisher of Islands Business could publish an article in the July edition about The People’s Community Network (PCN) Housing Project at Lagilagi without first contacting me as chair of the board. It was full of misinterpretation provided to him by Walesio Tolevu and Eroni Ratuwalesi, ex-staff of PCN. They claim to seek justice for the poor squatters of Jittu and talk about “corruption” and “scandal”, “nepotism” and “misappropriation of member’s funds”. In fact they are rumour mongers and trouble-makers with failed leadership aspirations. They are not “at the forefront of the fight for a just deal for the PCN members” but rather at the forefront of a vindictive fight for their own selfish ambitions and jealousy. I have been deeply disappointed in them and regret having to expose here their misrepresentation. They were once respected and trusted members of staff.

Falsehood 1. The article says that “of the 120 families which occupy flats … at least 20 do not qualify for the homes”. “Documents provided to Islands Business show that of the initial 120 family units, two are occupied by PCN staff members – assistant directors Mesake Dakai and Savu Tawake”. In fact only 76 units (are occupied so the “documents” provided to Islands Business must have been very faulty. The staff members concerned are long-time residents of Jittu and, although their salaries are a bit above $16,500, we wanted them there as leaders in the community to supervise the development. Walesio doesn’t mention that he also has one of the housing units for the same reason. Nor does he mention that Eroni Ratuwalesi demanded a three-bedroom unit even though he never lived as a squatter in Jittu.

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