Papua New Guinea has ‘human capital crisis’, says World Bank

The World Bank has urged the largest Pacific Island nation, Papua New Guinea, to address a “human capital crisis” and invest more in educating children, who suffer high rates of stunted growth and illiteracy, as a

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Samoa no longer in ‘debt distress’: Minister

Samoa has been taken off the list of “debt distress” nations and is now eligible to apply for loans from the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. The Minister of Finance, Lautimuia Uelese

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Hundreds of World Bank climate projects have no direct connection to climate, research finds

Several hundred World Bank-backed projects with the stated aim of tackling climate change have no obvious connection to climate mitigation, a U.S. report finds, questioning its spending figures over two decades.

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US$23 million to strengthen Tuvalu’s aviation sector

Tuvalu will soon receive US$23 million in grant financing to enhance its aviation sector, the World Bank has announced.  Through its Tuvalu Safe and Resilient Aviation Project, the Bank says it aims to improve the

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Widen tax base, spend more efficiently

World Bank's Advice to 9 Pacific Economies The World Bank says six Pacific Island countries are at high risk of debt distress, and that gradual cuts to government spending are vital for balancing budgets and avoiding

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Fiji, the World Bank and debt

When Fiji’s Minister for Economy delivers his budget address this evening many eyes will be on figures around the country’s debt-to GDP ratios. This week, Pacific Islands Forum Economic Ministers were preoccupied

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Fiji welcomes World Bank business ranking review

The Fiji government has welcomed the World Bank’s decision to pause publication of its 2021 Doing Business Report. In a statement released last week, The World Bank said a number of irregularities had been reported

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Poor governance in the Pacific: the forgotten issue

By Stephen Howes There was a time when the Australia lectured the Pacific. John Howard said in 2004 that Australia had a “special responsibility” to help the Pacific but that we sought “reforms and

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Focus on agriculture, World Bank tells PNG

Papua New Guinea has been advised to tweak its macroeconomic policy and throw more weight behind agriculture, as it has the potential to enable more diversified and inclusive development.   The World Bank

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