Absolute discharge for Bainimarama, fine without record of conviction for Qiliho

Suva, Fiji: When Suva Magistrate Seini Puamau took her seat in court this morning to deliver her sentence against former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and suspended Police Commissioner, Sitiveni Qiliho, she warned

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USP welcomes new Chancellor

In a historic moment, Sir David Okete Vuvuiri Vunagi, Governor General of the Solomon Islands, was officially installed as the 30th Chancellor of The University of the South Pacific (USP). The installation ceremony took

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USP “students are hurting” says Pro Chancellor

As Pacific leaders meet in Suva to discuss deepening regionalism through the  2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, USP, the region’s university continues to suffer the impacts of continued funding

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USP Council raises concerns over finance risks

The University of the South Pacific’s Council has raised concerns about the financial and operating risks arising out of Fiji’s withheld grant, compounded by the COVID-19 economic impacts. In a statement

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“Our ocean is not a nuclear dumpster” – USP students call for a nuclear free Pacific

Hundreds of students at the University of the South Pacific in Suva rallied to remember nuclear survivors around the region on 1 March, the anniversary of the US Bravo nuclear test on Bikini Atoll. Marching through

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USP will have ‘No Jab, No School’ policy

The University of the South Pacific (USP) has adopted a ‘No Jab, No School’ policy across the region for 2022. Manager of Public Relations and Communications under the Office of the Vice Chancellor and President of

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Opinion: Framing a “new Pacific consciousness”

By Kaliopate Tavola Outgoing USP Chancellor, H.E. President of Nauru Lionel Rouwen Aingimea, recently penned an editorial, which, having fulfilled his one-year stint as Chancellor and on the way out, can be regarded as

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Struggling to study: USP’s regional students and lockdowns

Regional students studying at the University of the South Pacific’s Laucala campus in Fiji have had another difficult semester. The COVID-19 outbreak which began in April this year and has claimed over 150 lives has

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USP’s regional students struggle to study

By Leila Parina Regional students studying at the University of the South Pacific’s Laucala campus in Fiji have had another difficult semester. The COVID-19 outbreak which began in April this year and has claimed over

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USP Council Ethics committee to look at leadership allegations

The University of the South Pacific Council has agreed that allegations levelled against Pro-Chancellor Winston Thompson and the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, Mahmood Khan, be referred to an Ethics Committee.

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Connected by the ocean and history

  The University of the South Pacific has a proud history of student activism. ATOM (Against Testing on Moruroa) formed in Fiji in 1970, and many of its founding members were USP students and academics. In 1975,

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