Islands Business October 2023 edition

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Islands Business September 2023 edition

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Islands Business July-August 2023 edition

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Islands Business June 2023 edition

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Navigating sustainable transport: Waan Aelõñ in Majel

Sustainable sea transport for Alson Kelen is not just about getting down to zero emissions. “We have to understand that sustainable sea transport also means helping with non-communicable disease, helping education,

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Heart of the spirit: Aboard the Uto ni Yalo

When the Uto ni Yalo docks on any wharf, it demands attention; its double-hull and magnificent traditional design set it proudly apart from modern boats. Wherever this siren of the sea goes, you can’t help but be

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Tkatchenko returns? Former Papua New Guinea foreign Minister and Moresby South MP, Justin Tkatchenko, is now the minister for national events, reports PNG media. Tkatchenko stepped aside as the minister for foreign

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Opinion: We have run out of time

Why Pacific feminists and climate justice activists are boycotting COP28 “COP28 is this year so heavily compromised that a grassroots-led group like DIVA for Equality would be betraying the constituency by

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Pacific climate diplomacy moves beyond COPs

As negotiations stutter and stall with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Pacific Island governments and communities are ramping up diplomatic efforts to call for urgent action on fossil fuels.

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Not Too Late: Thelma Young-Lutunatabua

Not Too Late is the name, and the message of a new book edited by a woman with strong Fiji connections, for people concerned about climate change. Thelma Young-Lutunatabua and her collaborator, Rebecca Solnit, wrote the

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Science and data for ocean prosperity

The Blue Prosperity expedition programme to collect data on ocean health in Fiji is already showing very mixed results at different sites. The programme is a collaborative effort led by the Fiji government and supported

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Opinion: FIPIC reaffirms silver lining

The Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) held its third summit in May in Port Moresby, after a postponement. Papua New Guinea’s Post Courier highlighted the meeting by reporting that the

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