The science we need for the ocean we want

Ocean scientists, technical experts, policymakers, donor agencies, traditional knowledge holders, and young people gathered at the Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management in Fiji last

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Here be humpbacks

Mixing business with a spot of leisure is something many of us have routinely done on work trips. From indulging in lavish beach time to celebrating a closed deal, to a quiet walk in the woods after an exhausting

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FSM becomes first country to sign oceans treaty

The Federated States of Micronesia has signed a global treaty that aim to protect oceans that lie beyond national boundaries, becoming the first country in the world to do so. The new Biodiversity of Areas beyond

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Careers in ocean science beckons to young Pacific women

Pacific young women are taking a greater interest in protecting our oceans for the future. At last week’s inaugural conference on ocean science and ocean management in Nadi, Fiji, Tanga Morris Jnr, 26, said that

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Fukushima discharge begins

Pacific remains divided As Pacific Ocean experts gathered in Fiji in August to discuss the role of the Pacific Ocean Commission, Japan begun discharging more than one million tonnes of treated radioactive water from the

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Opinion: Seabed mining rules lapse is window for Pacific regulations

In late July, after weeks of fierce debate at the International Seabed Authority (ISA) meeting in Jamaica, deep-sea mining proponents failed to get an agreement for the immediate licensing of deep sea mining operations.

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Power of the sea

A technology now being tested that harnesses seawater to produce electricity could address some of the Pacific Islands’ problems with power outages. Under the Project for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), a

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Niue, Tuvalu raise concerns over Fukushima radioactive wastewater release

The Governments of Niue and Tuvalu have raised their concerns over Japan’s release of treated radioactive wastewater from its Fukushima nuclear plant last Thursday. More than a million tons of ALPS (Advanced Liquid

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Fiji marchers protest against Fukushima wastewater discharge

In an outpouring of public protest, demonstrators from diverse backgrounds took to the streets of Suva today united against Japan’s release into the ocean of treated nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi

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Pacific countries urged to take advantage of geopolitical interests to support ocean governance

The Republic of Marshall Islands national ocean policy is premised on working ‘smarter’ and not ‘harder.’ Glen Joseph, the Director of the Marshall Islands Marine Resource Authority (MIMRA) said

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Vanuatu’s National Ocean Policy addresses some outstanding ocean related territorial disputes

The government of Vanuatu hopes the long-standing joint submission with Fiji and Solomon Islands to extend their outer limits of the continental shelf in the North Fiji Basin will be resolved soon. In 2009, the three

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A new chapter for Pacific ocean governance

The new Pacific Ocean Commissioner, Dr Filimon Manoni says the support expressed for his office and appointment from Pacific Islands regional agencies, is good news for ocean governance, and for him personally. The

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