International blunder or domestic strategy?

Fiji's position on Israel could hint at paradigm shift South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has been described as involving two competing narratives: one, about a displaced

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At ICJ, lawyer for Palestine rips U.S. and Fiji for defending whatever offenses Israel commits

An attorney representing Palestine at the United Nations’ highest court called out the U.S. on Monday for routinely defending Israel’s violations of international law, including its brutal 57-year occupation

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We’re not trying to impress anyone: Tonga PM on UN truce

Tonga’s Prime Minister said, “We are not trying to impress anyone. This was a sovereign decision made by the Government of Tonga…,” when he was asked why Tonga had opposed the UN General Assembly

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Fiji among 14 that oppose truce

Fiji was amongst 14 countries that opposed a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian truce in Gaza while 120 countries voted in favour. The Assembly adopted resolution titled “Protection of civilians and

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More Australians, Solomons, Vanuatu, return from Israel

About 200 Australians and their family members are back in the country after leaving Israel and arriving on a government-assisted flight. A Qantas flight landed in Sydney on Wednesday evening with 126 Australian

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13 Samoan pilgrims safely evacuated from Israel

The last group of Samoans in Israel were safely evacuated from Jerusalem to Dubai, Tuesday. The Samoa’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a media statement that 13 Samoans boarded the Australian air force flight

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Resolution filed to express Guam’s solidarity with Israel

Senator Jesse Lujan has introduced a resolution expressing solidarity with Jewish communities around the world and showing support for Israel, following an unprecedented airstrike by Hamas, a Palestinian militant group

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Tonga charters flight to evacuate Tongans from Israel to London

Thirty Tongan nationals have been safely evacuated from Israel, including some from New Zealand, Australia and Fiji, on a 61 passengers flight to London, chartered by the Tongan Government. The flight departed at 1:38pm

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Fiji Airways says Israel charter was a commercial decision

Fiji Airways says its decision to operate a charter flight to Israel was based on purely commercial considerations. Amidst the chaos of the Israeli-Hamas conflict, Fiji Airways safely retrieved more than 200 Fijians

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Opinion: Vital to protect pro-Israel UN votes from Pacific nations

It is no secret that Israel is disproportionately singled out at the United Nations. Last year, the General Assembly approved 15 anti-Israel resolutions. That was two more than all of the other resolutions criticising

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Israel frees Fijian UN peacekeepers cleared of drug smuggling suspicion

Israel has released three Fijian UN peacekeepers arrested for drug smuggling, after it emerged the suspicious substance they were carrying across the border was not liquid cocaine, police said Sunday. The three

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Israel wants Pacific’s backing at ‘biased’ UN rights council

Times of Israel/Pacnews:  Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin has told Pacific Island leaders in Fiji that he hopes they will stand with Israel against what he claims is a strong anti-Israel bias on the United

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