IFC to provide 3000 homes in Fiji

A housing project in Fiji is in progress to provide affordable, climate-resilient homes for 3,000 low and middle-income families says the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The IFC is the lead transaction advisor

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Fiji, the World Bank and debt

When Fiji’s Minister for Economy delivers his budget address this evening many eyes will be on figures around the country’s debt-to GDP ratios. This week, Pacific Islands Forum Economic Ministers were preoccupied

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Opinion: Building the Pacific the Pacific Way

The Pacific Way was coined by the late Fijian and Pacific Islands stateman, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, in which people of different races, opinions and cultures can live and work together for the good of all, can differ

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Fiji businesses say COVID-19 has increased violence

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased employees’ experiences of domestic and sexual violence say two-thirds of companies surveyed in Fiji by the IFC and Fiji Human Resources Institute. Fifteen companies were surveyed as

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