Tuvalu’s digital ambitions

Tuvalu has become the first country in the world to choose Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) blockchain to help it migrate to a fully digital economy, a move that may see it also adopt Bitcoin SV, the cryptocurrency

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The USP saga: What’s next? Why it matters.

When University of the South Pacific Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia walked back onto USP’s Suva campus on June 22, he was accompanied by songs of celebration from staff and students who lined

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USP student across the region protest, police on Fiji campus

A “support good governance” protest organised by the University of the South Pacific Student Association today with the theme “wear blue” is now underway in a number of campuses around the region with the

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Fired USP manager wants his job back

Sacked University of the South Pacific senior manager Hasmukh Lal is not challenging claims of plagiarism that led to his termination, documents filed with the Fiji High Court reveal. His lawyers, Reddy & Nandan are

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Namosi: Resource rich or resource cursed?

Many moons before white man set foot on Viti Levu, the main island in Fiji, the folklore of moliveitala ni vanua had existed. It speaks of the magic in the water in the two main rivers that the trade winds bring in as

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Keeping our seafarers safe

In what has been called a ‘landmark decision’, Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) member states are to include crew employment conditions in minimum requirements for fishing licenses. For many years there has been concern

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Waisale Serevi teams up with the Russians

A sporting legend and the man once dubbed the king of sevens rugby, Waisale Serevi’s illustrious rugby journey took on a new chapter when he was head-hunted by the Russians to be head coach of

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Not for sale

FIJI’S iconic flower, the Tagimoucia, is not for sale. Fijian authorities have made this statement to Islands Business magazine following reports that a world-leading botanical garden is looking at

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PNA rocked by abuse allegations

THE important Pacific tuna grouping, PNA has been rocked by serious allegations of mismanagement and illegal operations with its tuna marketing arm, Pacifical.  John Kopia, a former employee of

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A murky mix of vested interests

AN oil spill in Rennell, Solomon Islands is turning into a disaster of catastrophic proportions, threatening the world’s biggest raised coral atoll and prompting caretaker Prime Minister Rick Hou

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EU says tax blacklisting should be no surprise

FIJI, the Marshall Islands and Vanuatu have been added to a European Union blacklist of tax havens. And despite concerns about process raised by all three countries, the EU has told Islands Business that

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Shipping nickel to China

At a time Western security analysts are fretting over Chinese strategic influence in the Pacific, some local businesses are looking at opportunities for trade and investment with China. In the French

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