EU pushes for suspension of Vanuatu visa-waiver programme

An advisor to the Vanuatu government says the European Commission is pushing through with a suspension of its visa-waiver programme with the Pacific country despite concessions made by the government. The European

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Fast-tracking PICTA

The Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA), having acquired ratification by signatory Pacific Island Countries (PICs), came into force in 2003. However, some 18 years later, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is

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Colonialism Redux: How the EU is punishing Vanuatu for not ‘playing fair’

The unequal matchup between a bureaucratic behemoth and Vanuatu reveals more about history and geopolitics than it does about financial irregularities. (THE DIPLOMAT) In January 2015 the Asia/Pacific Group on Money

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French Ambassador to take up EU role

The French Ambassador to Fiji, Sujiro Seam has been nominated as the new Head of the European Union Delegation to the Paci?c Region. The nomination was announced by Federica Mogherini, High

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