French Ambassador to take up EU role

The French Ambassador to Fiji, Sujiro Seam has been nominated as the new Head of the European Union Delegation to the Paci?c Region.

The nomination was announced by Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign A?airs and Security Policy. He is also the Vice-President of the European Commission.

Seams’ nomination is one of 43 worldwide that will come into effect once agreements are received.

He has tweeted “I’ve just been officially nominated as Head of the European Delegation for the Pacific. Honored to soon represent the European Union in this region.”

Sujiro Seam was appointed Ambassador of France to Fiji, in residence in Suva in September 2017.

As a career diplomat, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris in 1998 and first served at the Directorate of Legal Affairs.

He took his first overseas assignment in Brussels in 2001, where he was an Expert at the European Commission, in the Trade Dispute Settlement Unit, and then Counsellor in charge of Fisheries, regional Policy, Maritime Policy, Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories.

Back in Paris in 2009, he was promoted Assistant-Director for Food Security and Economic Development and then Deputy-Director for Development and Global Public Goods, with responsibility for Economic Development, Climate and Environment, Health and Human Development and Governance.

He was appointed Consul General of France in Houston in 2013, with jurisdiction over Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

He studied at the National School of Administration (“Valmy” Class of 1998) and the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris. 

He also graduated from the Paris Graduate School of Management and holds a certificate of Commercial Russian from the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Born in Cambodia, Sujiro SEAM is married with two children.

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