Pacific Islands Economic Outlook 2023

After two long years of COVID-19 and the tourniquet it applied to the lifeblood of Pacific economies— connectivity and tourism — what can our region expect in 2023? The United Nations predicts the global economy

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Regional e-commerce negotiators training begins

Pacific officials have started a four-week training course to help them engage with negotiations and implementation of e-commerce rules. Currently, many Pacific countries require support to negotiate and implement rules

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Pivoting Post Fiji

What do you do when the global pandemic shuts borders and cuts international mail services; services that were previously your bread and butter? If you are Post Fiji, you diversify your offerings and look to digital

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Business Profile: Pivoting Post Fiji

What do you do when the global pandemic shuts borders and cuts international mail services; services that were previously your bread and butter? If you are Post Fiji, you diversify your offerings and look to digital

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Debt traps and doing business

By Samantha Magick Tourism may be the poster child of the Pacific’s post-COVID economic crisis, but it’s not the only sector that has suffered. A stark example of the challenges that border closures are causing came

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“We are lagging behind quite poorly”

By Samantha Magick In 2020 as shops and markets all over the world were forced to close due to the coronavirus, people shopped from home, with e-commerce seeing exponential growth in many markets. And the trend will

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“We can’t just sit back and wait for the tourists to come”

By Samantha Magick Banz Kofi’s online business was transformed when owner Patrick Killoran negotiated a significant reduction in freight rates.  Last year during COVID, while regular sales out of the company’s

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“We have been lagging behind quite poorly”

In 2020 as shops and markets all over the world were forced to close due to the coronavirus, people shopped from home, with e-commerce seeing exponential growth in many markets. And the trend will continue. Online

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E-Commerce trailblazer: Banz Kofi

Banz Kofi’s online business was transformed when owner Patrick Killoran negotiated a significant reduction in freight rates.  Last year during COVID, while regular sales out of the company’s Mount Hagen coffee

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