Tasmanian fruit pickers rescued from Samoa, Vanuatu and PNG alleged “modern slavery”

Tasmanian fruit pickers have been rescued from a company that has been treating them as ‘modern slaves’, unions say. The Australian federal government has revoked the business license of Linx Employment, leading to

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UPNG officers suspended, Interim Council probing cash for grades claims

Two officers of the University of PNG’s information and communication technology department have been suspended while investigation into cash-for-grades allegations are conducted, according to chancellor Robert Igara.

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Australian diplomats convinced ICAC to censor Pacific nations where Maguire schemed. It didn’t work.

Federal Australian officials successfully persuaded the NSW corruption watchdog to “de-identify” a group of Pacific countries mentioned in last week’s report on Gladys Berejiklian’s and Daryl Maguire’s

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Opinion: Who will dare break the vicious cycle of corruption in the Pacific?

“When you don’t take a stand against corruption you tacitly support it.” ― Kamal Haasa The first instinct of a person responsible for the care of their loved ones in a modern-day Pacific society is to survive by

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Israel frees Fijian UN peacekeepers cleared of drug smuggling suspicion

Israel has released three Fijian UN peacekeepers arrested for drug smuggling, after it emerged the suspicious substance they were carrying across the border was not liquid cocaine, police said Sunday. The three

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Congressmen angry that Bikini islanders’ nuclear trust fund may have been ‘squandered’

Following widespread media coverage of the collapse of what was a more than US$70 million trust fund for Bikini islanders displaced by American nuclear weapons testing, the United States Congress has demanded answers

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Preferred supplier system – one of Solomon Islands government’s wallet-holes

Solomon Islands Government’s preferred supplier system is one which is wrapped in controversy despite its purported creation with good intentions. Not for its initial purpose of bringing about efficient service for

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SINU suspends five staff members amid allegations of fraud

Vice Chancellor of the Solomon Islands National University (SINU), Professor Transform Aqorau, has taken decisive action in response to allegations of fraud activities involving printing by Wakaman Inc. He suspended

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AIFFP, ADB, PNG Ports and corruption

The recent two-part ABC Background Briefing series “Dead Man’s Secrets” makes for compelling listening. It is the story of two men, Fego Kiniafa, former PNG Ports CEO, and Don Matheson, Australian businessman and

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Inadequate evidence to revoke Gupta’s brothers’ Vanuatu Citizenship: Commission

Vanuatu’s Citizenship Commission has confirmed that corruption-accused fugitive Gupta brothers – Atul and Rajesh — are citizens of Vanuatu and there is inadequate evidence to cancel their Vanuatu citizenship

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Suidani ousted from post ‘after turning down Chinese bribes’

Daniel Suidani, an outspoken critic of the Solomon Islands’ closer ties with China, was ousted as premier of Malaita in early February after refusing “huge” bribes from Chinese businesses who threatened to have

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PNG climate change officials accused of skimming US$1.3 million in public funds

Senior staff at the government body responsible for carrying out Papua New Guinea’s climate change response are facing major criminal proceedings after the alleged misappropriation of more than $2 million (US$1.3

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