Governments miss UN deadline to improve climate plans

Almost all the world’s governments have failed to improve their climate plans this year, breaking a promise made at last year’s climate summit in Glasgow, UK. At Cop26, all countries agreed to “revisit and

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A new Pacific consciousness

Kaliopate Tavola argues that the Pacific Elders Voice has the "soul of the region"

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Honourable mention: Our young climate activists

While our leading political regional agency named a series of climate champions ahead of COP26 in Glasgow this year (controversially all of them men), the region’s young climate champions are honourable mentions in

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Post-COP26 at the micro level

By Kaliopate Tavola My last article on COP26 expressed the hope that the pessimism of the members of my informal talanoa group would be proven wrong by the results of COP26 held in Glasgow from 31 October to 12

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Setbacks at COP26 climate talks

By Nic Maclellan On one hand, the index finger is raised. On the other, five digits are displayed. One point five. 1.5 to stay alive. In the midst of the global pandemic, Pacific delegations mobilised to campaign for

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COP26 at the micro level

(Pacific climate talanoa) By the beginning of the second week of September, the informal Pacific Regional Talanoa Group (PRTG), of which I am a member, was suitably enthused to start its virtual talanoa series on the

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COP26 Pacific voices, young and old, call for action at climate talks

COP26 Pacific voices: On one hand, the index finger is raised. On the other, five digits are displayed. One point five. 1.5 to stay alive. In the midst of the pandemic, Pacific islanders, young and old, are campaigning

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“You might as well bomb us” Palau President tells World leaders at COP26

(PACNEWS) The inaction of world emitters to reach an agreement on the rapid reductions of fossil fuels has annoyed Pacific island nations on the front lines of climate change. Palau’s President Surangel Whipps Jr,

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FSM paving the way for the Pacific by depositing its maritime boundaries with the UN

(Pacnews) COP26: Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is the first country in the region to deposit its maritime boundaries baselines with the United Nations. Speaking at the ‘Implementing the ocean-climate nexus

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Money for “our backyard” but not the Green Climate Fund

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a new pledge of A$500 million for climate finance for Asian and Pacific countries at the COP26 global climate negotiations in Glasgow. Morrison said this amount

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We need a ‘COP of action’ Tuvalu PM tells the world

COP26/Tuvalu: Sinking islands are not the future result of climate change, but the reality Tuvalu’s people are living through right here, and right now. That was the impassioned plea from Tuvalu’s Prime Minister,

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“You don’t need my pain or tears to know that we’re in a crisis”: Fruen

The COP26 climate conference is underway in Glasgow. Here are highlights from the opening day. Young Samoan climate change activist Brianna Fruen made a powerful statement on the opening day of the COP26 climate

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Pacific states to benefit from new IRIS initiative

Small island states of the Pacific were very much in the forefront when the leaders of India, Britain and Australia launched IRIS, a new initiative aimed at providing infrastructure support to reinforce the resilience

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Climate change is ocean change. This is a reality that has escaped much of the world’s attention, but is daily life in the Pacific Islands. Today’s ocean is warmer and more acidic, sea levels are rising, and extreme

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Pacific Conversation – Flex for 1.5: Amplifying our Pacific Voice at COP26

The Twenty-Sixth Conference of the Parties is held in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October – 12 November 2021 this year. Man made climate change is affecting the way of life as we all know it, and while our Pacific

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COP26 cop out?

Making Glasgow matter Build back better. Blah, blah, blah. Green economy. Blah, blah, blah. Net-zero by 2050. Blah, blah, blah. This is all we hear from our so-called leaders. Words that sound great but so far have not

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COP26 Cop out?

Making Glasgow matter Build back better. Blah, blah, blah. Green economy. Blah, blah, blah. Net-zero by 2050. Blah, blah, blah. This is all we hear from our so-called leaders. Words that sound great but so far have not

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Listen to the women

The unheard voices at every COP meeting By Netani Rika Across the world, advocates press for the voices of women to be heard at COP26 in Edinburgh, Scotland. For after decades of talks on climate change and despite the

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Youth driving climate ambition

By Ernest Gibson For the first time since the pandemic took hold in March 2020, more than 350 young people from all regions of the world convened in a single space. The Youth4Climate event, hosted in Milano, Italy was

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Islands Business October 2021 edition

Islands Business September Issue

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Countdown to COP26: Pacific Notes

“We face the most difficult questions — which islands to preserve, what happens when our people are forced to move against their will, how will we preserve our culture?” Marshall Islands President David Kabua

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How satellite technologies can aid Fiji & other Pacific Island nations to access finance & build climate resilience?

#Countdown to COP26 Sepesa Curuki and his community are coming to terms with the prospect of climate change-related relocation from Cogea village on Fiji’s second largest island of Vanua Levu. Their village, which

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How effective is climate finance in the Pacific

“Climate finance cannot be about loans, we cannot give our children the burden of servicing our debts.” That was the message Oxfam in the Pacific’s Regional Director, Raijeli Nicole delivered at a recent online

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The Pacific looks to Glasgow

What will the Pacific islands region be prioritising at the COP26 climate talks? By Dr Ian Fry As wildfires take lives and ravage property around the Mediterranean and North America and floods destroy lives and property

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