Opinion: 2024 Australian aid spending and effectiveness update

Australian Foreign aid was increased by 4% over what had been projected last year to bring the 2024-25 aid budget to $4.961 billion, virtually unchanged from the (inflation-adjusted) 2023-24 level of $4.900 billion. The

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Apia hosts signing of new EU-ACP Samoa Agreement

More than two decades ago, the European Union and a group of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states were due to meet in Suva, to sign a new partnership agreement. But the ceremony, scheduled for June 2000, never

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China’s declining aid to Pacific islands increasingly goes to allies, think tank reports

China’s declining aid to the South Pacific is increasingly targeted toward its political allies in the region as appetite there for Chinese credit declines and competition grows with the U.S. for influence, an

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A ‘new’ development policy? Or did Australia just miss its moment?

A new development policy for Australia presented an opportunity to reinvigorate a program that has lost its way amid the ambivalence, and occasional outright hostility, shown towards aid by successive conservative

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‘Terrible’ rules starve climate-hit islands of finance, inquiry told

Development assistance rules are denying “vulnerable” small island developing states, or SIDS, of the help they need to combat the climate emergency and must be rewritten, a UK inquiry has been told. Multiple

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Pacific aid to enforce climate, gender equality targets

Australia will push to create local employment and boost the domestic economies of its Pacific island neighbours while keeping an eye on climate change and gender equality. The latest international development policy is

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Water: Making WASH aid work

What needs to change if Pacific Island nations are to get anywhere near their water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) targets under the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? For the Regional Systems Strengthening Technical

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Collision course: Australia’s flatlining aid and its climate finance commitments

Recent data shows that official development assistance (ODA, “aid”) is increasingly being spent as a form of climate finance. The OECD reported that climate finance increased from 21.7 percent of bilateral ODA in

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Grants to drive change

Less than one per cent of direct funding reaches women rights organisations in the Pacific and this is just one of the reasons why a stand-alone Pacific Feminist Fund has been established to address the chronic

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Australia to increase funding in the Pacific

A wide-ranging Pacific assistance package covering environmental, military, and economic support for Australia’s closest neighbours will be unveiled in Tuesday’s budget, as the Albanese government moves to

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More China aid likely: Qian Bo

There is likely to be more China aid inbound to Samoa following a meeting on Monday between China’s Special Envoy for Pacific Island Countries Affairs and Prime Minister Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa. In a press briefing

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Questions about Australian aid to fund the 2023 Pacific Games

The 2023 Pacific Games will be held in Solomon Islands at the end of the year. Australia’s support for the games of $17 million (US$11.4 million) was announced by the Minister for International Development and the

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