Samoa dealing with ‘taro trouble’

Taro, a Samoan staple food, has been on the decline for the last few years and as a result the prices have soared and supply to the local markets has dropped. This has also seen many Samoans consume less of the healthy

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Research for Development of an Indigenous Nut Industry

The National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is taking a whole value chain approach to developing an agricultural industry of an indigenous nut commonly called galip from the tree

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EU highlights commitment to improving regional trade at Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry

Nadi, Fiji The EU SAFE Pacific (Safe Agricultural Trade and Facilitation through Economic Integration) project played an integral role in the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry (PWAF) held from 6 – 10 March in

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Building a vision for Pacific agriculture

The lack of a regional vision for agriculture and forestry is “one of our biggest challenges”, says the Director of the Land Resources Division of the Pacific Community, Karen Mapusua. But this is poised to change,

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Ovalau Agro PV Project: A model for Fiji

Four more Agrophotovoltaic (APV) projects are planned for Fiji, according to the developer of the Ovalau APV, which is currently in the final stages of negotiations, with construction planned for early next year. “We

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Sweet Career: High-sugar and High-yielding Sugarcane Production Technology

Sugarcane, as an important cash crop in the tropics, has influenced world economic development and human migration. It is an important sweet source for human beings. By mainly introducing the modern sugarcane production

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King of Fruit Trade: Banana Cultivation and Management Technology

Banana, as the most widely traded fruit in the world, is an important cash crop in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and other regions. This course, which focuses on techniques of banana cultivation and

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Protecting the Pacific from Foot and Mouth Disease

Earlier this year, alarming reports came out of Indonesia about an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). As of 2nd July, Indonesia recorded 313,636 infected cattle, with over 2,700 deaths. [1] What is FMD? FMD is a

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Aumua’s Challenge: Fund agriculture for nutrition, inclusion, survival

The international community has been urged to invest in agricultural innovation in a way that includes traditional practitioners and acknowledges the interconnectedness of agriculture with nutrition, culture, climate

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Pacific Community’s Agricultural Gene Bank wins Global Award

The Pacific region, where most people depend on agriculture and fisheries for sustenance and income, is now one step ahead in food security, Inter Press Service reports. The region’s agricultural gene bank,

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Reviving Cacao in Fiji: Arif Khan

A founder of an award-winning cacao company in Fiji says more should be done to revive the nation’s cocoa industry. Formerly a real-estate agent, Arif Khan founded Cacao Fiji in the lush hills of Dreketi because he

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PNG proposed carbon credit law queried

Hiri-Koiari MP Keith Iduhu has asked in Papua New Guinea Parliament for an update on a proposed amendment by the Forestry Authority to include forestry produce under its authority. This would include classifying carbon

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