[VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT] MSG Secretariat (Vanuatu-based): Director-General



In accordance with the recent MSG Governing Body decisions dated 12th February 2020, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat now invites qualified and experienced individuals who are citizens of MSG Members to take up the position of its DIRECTOR GENERAL based at its Headquarter in Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu.

The Melanesian Spearhead Group is an intergovernmental organization. Its Members are the Republic of Fiji, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Republic of Vanuatu and the Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) of New Caledonia. Its vision is to achieve an MSG Community that is democratic, strong, integrated, enlightened, happy, prosperous, secure and caring as per guidance provided by the 2038 Prosperity For All Plan. In pursuit of prosperity for all Melanesians, the MSG Secretariat derives its mandates from MSG Leaders’ decisions, being the apex decision making of the MSG, to ensure that it remains relevant in fulfilling the aspirations of the Melanesian people in the Pacific sub-region. The MSG work programme focuses on delivering its Leaders’ decisions through five thematic Programme areas namely; Political and Security Affairs ProgrammeEnvironment, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management ProgrammeArts, Culture, Sports and Social Resources Programme, Trade & Economic Development Programme, and Governance & Legal Affairs Programme.

The Director General of the MSG Secretariat is the Chief Executive of the Secretariat and has the overall responsibility for the leadership, management and operations, implementation of policies and functional administration of the Secretariat’s Annual Work Programme & Budget and other mandated activities of the Secretariat. The core functions are to support Members’ through strategic leaderships, partnerships and innovative mechanisms, reporting to the MSG Leaders through the Governing Body.

The successful applicant must have at least 15 years of senior managerial position and have the following qualities and work experiences to be considered for the position:


  • Strategic Leadership

o   Strategic leadership in accordance with the organisation’s visions, mission, core values, goals and objectives;

o   Leading and managing the organisational decision-making process within the policy guidelines set by the Governing Body;

o   Overseeing the planning, implementation delivery, monitoring and measurement of impact of MSG’s services to members;

o   Ensuring sustainability and accountability of the Secretariat, and,

o   Advocating and reaching out to potential development partners for genuine partnerships.


  • Membership Support Services

o   Effective and strategic communication and protocol management;

o   Inclusive strategies, multi-stakeholder governance; and,

o   Mobilization of resources to achieve membership expectations and work program.


  • Research and Development

o   Policy research and development services for program development and funding;

o   New ideas and innovative approaches; and,

o   Monitoring and evaluation are embedded in all MSG programs and services.


  • Program and Organisational Development

o   Robust and transparent management processes and procedures;

o   Compliance with all relevant legislative and regional frameworks; and,

o   The MSG Secretariat, human and financial resources, institutional assets are managed efficiently and effectively.


The Candidate should also have demonstrated competence in:

  • A senior management positions in a complex organization
  • Strong understanding of principles and practice of good governance
  • Strong background in regional leadership (government, private or civil society)
  • Understanding of regional current affairs and developments
  • Longstanding experience working in the MSG Countries at senior policy and diplomatic levels

To be considered for this position, applicants must have a desirable Postgraduate Degree, and recruitment is based on competition and merit.

Salary, Terms and Conditions

Contract duration – The successful candidate for this position is required to sign an initial three-year contract of employment with the MSG Secretariat. The successful candidate is expected to assume the position after a decision is made during the MSG Leaders’ Summit, 2020.

Remuneration – The salary and benefits for this position are very competitive based on merit and within the Secretariat Salary Scales.  MSG Secretariat emoluments are not subject to income tax in Vanuatu at the present time.

“Only citizens from MSG membership will be eligible for this position. The MSG Secretariat is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourage applicants from all genders with the relevant qualifications and experiences to apply for this position”.

Further Details: Information packages and further details are available on request.

Contact: Manager Corporate Services, j.palmer@msg.int or on telephone (678) 24537 / 27791 or by fax (678) 27691


How to Apply:

Applicants should provide a cover letter with a curriculum vitae, describes their qualifications and experience, and explains how these meet the specific requirements of the position. Relevant previous appointments, present position and salary, and the names and addresses (including telephone and email contacts) of three referees must also be provided. The application should address the selection criteria and specific responsibilities listed above.

Applications should be submitted by email to recruitment@msg.int preferably in MS Word or PDF and addressed as follows;

The Chairman, Melanesian Spearhead Group

Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat

Independence Garden

Private Mail Bag 9105

Port Vila, Vanuatu

Closing date: Monday 30th November, 2020



EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY – MSG Secretariat (Vanuatu-based): Director-General (Readvertisement)

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In accordance with the recent MSG Governing Body decisions dated 12th February 2020, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat now invites qualified and experienced individuals who are citizens of MSG Members to take up the position of its DIRECTOR GENERAL based at its Headquarter in Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu.

The Melanesian Spearhead Group is an intergovernmental organization. Its Members are the Republic of Fiji, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Republic of Vanuatu and the Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) of New Caledonia. Its vision is to achieve an MSG Community that is democratic, strong, integrated, enlightened, happy, prosperous, secure and caring as per guidance provided by the 2038 Prosperity For All Plan. In pursuit of prosperity for all Melanesians, the MSG Secretariat derives its mandates from MSG Leaders’ decisions, being the apex decision making of the MSG, to ensure that it remains relevant in fulfilling the aspirations of the Melanesian people in the Pacific sub-region. The MSG work programme focuses on delivering its Leaders’ decisions through five thematic Programme areas namely; Political and Security Affairs ProgrammeEnvironment, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management ProgrammeArts, Culture, Sports and Social Resources Programme, Trade & Economic Development Programme, and Governance & Legal Affairs Programme.

The Director General of the MSG Secretariat is the Chief Executive of the Secretariat and has the overall responsibility for the leadership, management and operations, implementation of policies and functional administration of the Secretariat’s Annual Work Programme & Budget and other mandated activities of the Secretariat. The core functions are to support Members’ through strategic leaderships, partnerships and innovative mechanisms, reporting to the MSG Leaders through the Governing Body.

The successful applicant must have at least 15 years of senior managerial position and have the following qualities and work experiences to be considered for the position:

Strategic Leadership
  • Strategic leadership in accordance with the organisation’s visions, mission, core values, goals and objectives;
  • Leading and managing the organisational decision-making process within the policy guidelines set by the Governing Body;
  • Overseeing the planning, implementation delivery, monitoring and measurement of impact of MSG’s services to members;
  • Ensuring sustainability and accountability of the Secretariat, and,
  • Advocating and reaching out to potential development partners for genuine partnerships.
Membership Support Services
  • Effective and strategic communication and protocol management;
  • Inclusive strategies, multi-stakeholder governance; and,
  • Mobilization of resources to achieve membership expectations and work program.
Research and Development
  • Policy research and development services for program development and funding;
  • New ideas and innovative approaches; and,
  • Monitoring and evaluation are embedded in all MSG programs and services.
Program and Organisational Development
  • Robust and transparent management processes and procedures;
  • Compliance with all relevant legislative and regional frameworks; and,
  • The MSG Secretariat, human and financial resources, institutional assets are managed efficiently and effectively.
The Candidate should also have demonstrated competence in:
  • A senior management positions in a complex organization
  • Strong understanding of principles and practice of good governance
  • Strong background in regional leadership (government, private or civil society)
  • Understanding of regional current affairs and developments
  • Longstanding experience working in the MSG Countries at senior policy and diplomatic levels
To be considered for this position, applicants must have a desirable Postgraduate Degree, and recruitment is based on competition and merit.


Salary, Terms and Conditions

Contract duration – The successful candidate for this position is required to sign an initial three-year contract of employment with the MSG Secretariat. The successful candidate is expected to assume the position after a decision is made during the MSG Leaders’ Summit, 2020.

Remuneration – The salary and benefits for this position are very competitive based on merit and within the Secretariat Salary Scales.  MSG Secretariat emoluments are not subject to income tax in Vanuatu at the present time.

“Only citizens from MSG membership will be eligible for this position. The MSG Secretariat is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourage applicants from all genders with the relevant qualifications and experiences to apply for this position”.

Further Details: Information packages and further details are available on request.

Contact: Manager Corporate Services, j.palmer@msg.int or on telephone (678) 24537 / 27791 or by fax (678) 27691

How to Apply:

Applicants should provide a cover letter with a curriculum vitae, describes their qualifications and experience, and explains how these meet the specific requirements of the position. Relevant previous appointments, present position and salary, and the names and addresses (including telephone and email contacts) of three referees must also be provided. The application should address the selection criteria and specific responsibilities listed above.

Applications should be submitted by email to recruitment@msg.int preferably in MS Word or PDF and addressed as follows;

                 The Chairman, Melanesian Spearhead Group
                 Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat
                 Independence Garden
                 Private Mail Bag 9105
                 Port Vila, Vanuatu
Closing date: Monday 30th November, 2020
Authorized by:
The Chair

Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG)



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