Economic diplomacy: Banking on the Pacific

Rebuilding regional banking is unlikely to pay dividends without an underlying business revival. Australia’s oldest bank changed its name from the Bank of New South Wales to Westpac in 1982, reflecting apparent

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Opinion: Fiji’s emigration boom: will it last?

The spike in migration out of Fiji since the end of COVID has been widely commented on. It is certainly real. Prior to 2018 there were on average about 9,000 more departures than arrivals of Fijian residents every year.

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Vanuatu official calls for prioritising children’s welfare

Children must be at the centre of labour mobility policies. Arthur Faerua, Director General (DG) of Vanuatu’s Ministry of Justice and Community Services (MoJCS) stressed this when stakeholders from Fiji, Samoa,

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Opinion: Mixing oil and water

As protests erupt across New Caledonia, a leading Loyalist politician claims indigenous Kanak and the West are like ‘oil and water’  Sonia Backès, the leading conservative anti-independence politician of her

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Fiji replaces Vanuatu as top PALM sending country

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme has been transformed over the last five years.  In June 2019, there were 5,886 PALM visa holders in Australia. Five years later, in May 2024, there were 32,513, an

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Winston Peters says he wants more rational debate on deep sea mining, not ‘virtue signalling’

New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, says mining is critical to transition away from fossil fuels, but the call for a moratorium in international waters by the previous government still stands.

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Seabed issue turning into hotbedSeabed mining continues to divide the region as the International Seabed Authority prepares to meet in Jamaica at the end of July. Hawai‘i has just passed a law banning seabed mining in

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The perils of underinsurance

Underinsurance and the unawareness of insurance remain significant challenges say insurance providers in Fiji and the Pacific. Chief Executive Officer of Capital Insurance in Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu, David Ariff Chan,

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American Samoa Three doctors and one dentist have reportedly left American Samoa’s Department of Health and more may be leaving soon, as benefits under their contracts have not been honoured due to lack of funding.

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Superannuation is sitting in Australia as PALM workers report barriers, delays in claiming their money

Tevita Kofutu’a has plans for the $10,000 in superannuation he earned over five years of seasonal work in Australia. He’ll use it to buy a vehicle and pay a deposit on some land in Tonga where he and his

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Samoa minimum wage increases to $4 per hour

There will be more money to take home for those on minimum wage as the Samoa cabinet has approved an increase in the minimum wage rate.  The Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Labour announced that, following Cabinet

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Opinion: Samoa should make the most of the Pacific Engagement Visa

When presented with an opportunity like Australia’s Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV) scheme, don’t demur. Grab it with both hands and be grateful. Other Pacific countries including Fiji are all ready to sign

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