Can Fiji’s BPOs deliver on their promise?

One of the few industries that has thrived during the coronavirus pandemic in Fiji ,  business process outsourcing (or BPOs) is also a sector which carries the hopes and ambitions of Fiji’s government and

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Fiji jobs, lending, tax revenue down

The Reserve Bank of Fiji has released another series of sobering figures, and says the coronavirus pandemic shows little sign of abating going into 2021. The Bank has recorded declines in jobs, government tax revenue,

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Fiji optimistic of growth as economic decline persists

Fiji’s central bank is projecting the country’s economic growth to climb back into positive territory next year, after revising this year’s historic contraction to negative 19 percent from an earlier estimate of

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The World’s toughest race: How can Fiji win

When World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji first screened earlier this year, international audiences vicariously took a road less travelled. The competition, which pitted 66 teams across 671 kilometres,

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Fijian Holdings Ltd profits drop by 75% in 2020

One of Fiji’s biggest investment companies has reported a significant reduction in annual profit, directly blamed on the impact of COVID-19 upon its business activities.  The publicly listed Fijian Holdings Ltd

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Fiji-Taiwan: 50 years of Enduring Friendship

Message from Representative Jessica Lee, Taipei Trade Office The 10th of October is an auspicious and historical date for both island nations as it is the National Day for the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Fiji’s

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Jobless numbers soar in Fiji

Unscripted and unplanned, Fijians have returned quietly to the land and the sea over the past months as the impacts of job losses brought about by the COVID19 pandemic began to bite. In the tourism belts of Nadi and

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Fiji inks first loan deal with China-led infrastructure bank

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced its very first loan approval for Fiji last week, making Fiji the first country in the Pacific region to access financing from the China-led multilateral

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Fiji pension funds are secure, says FNPF boss

Fiji’s workers’ pension fund, the Fiji National Provident Fund  has reiterated that members funds are well protected and that the Fund has the capacity to meet partial withdrawals for members who have lost work

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Fiji inks first loan deal with AIIB worth US$50million

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced its very first loan approval for Fiji last week, making Fiji the first country in the Pacific region to access financing from the China-led multilateral

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Fiji budget ‘lacks compassion’ says NGOs

As the 2020-21 Fiji Budget debate has commenced in parliament, a number of community organisations have expressed their concern about what they describe as the lack of compassion in the Budget. “It’s not only

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Adapting remittances to the new normal—the case of Fiji

Remittance flow falling victim to the COVID-19 pandemic was anybody’s guess.  It was only a matter of time before this realisation would hit global economies, and drastically, in most cases.  It was not

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