Pacific Islands SG visits tsunami-affected school

PHOTO: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Baron Waqa, was welcomed with songs and cheers this week when he visited a Tongan primary school that was devastated by the December 2021 volcanic eruption and tsunami.

Kolomotu’a School principal, Lose Taufa Puluka recalls the aftermath of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai occurrence:  “The classrooms were shattered, the office in ruins, textbooks scattered, school chairs and tables were thrown across the field, massive rocks had flattened the front fencing and landed in classrooms and fields, and my heart ached for our children whose education has been disrupted and future uncertain.”

But the resilience of the students, their families, teachers and the community helped them transform that destruction into the beautiful, newly renovated school that SG Waqa visited.

“Amidst the despair and the destruction, a glimmer of hope emerged as our community rallied together in the face of adversity with unwavering faith and determination; we resolved to turn the disaster into an opportunity for growth and resilience,”  Puluka said.

The school, which has 15 female and three male teachers, not only suffered physical damage, but also a challenge in retaining students who were fearful of attending a school so close to the shoreline.

 “Some students had asked their parents to move them to a school further inland away from the shoreline; they were still traumatised to this day,” the Principal said.

In his message to students and teachers, Waqa said he was touched by what he heard and saw.

“Let me also say that the courage that you show is exemplary to others, and it shows the faith that you have.

“You are not alone; you will never be alone; God will always be on your side; it is emotional, and I understand and you are entitled to it; the devastation and the heartbreak that you felt at that point can never be understood by anyone outside,” he said.

After sharing their stories, the students and staff farewelled SG Waqa and his team with song, dance, and laughter.

Pacific leaders meet in Tonga this week.