Walesi Limited takes over Radio Transmission.

By Anish Chand

Walesi Limited will take over all the transmission works of all braodcasters in Fiji, including that of Fiji Broadacsting Corporation Limited.

This information is contained in the latest Auditor Generals report tabled in Parliament on Monday that audited FBCL.

Walesi is now fully operational Fiji wide and is managed by the Ministry of Communications.

“This project is managed by Ministry of Communications through Walesi Ltd which will also take over all the transmission works of all broadcasters including FBC for an annual management fee,” says the audit.

All faults as well as transmission and repairs and maintenance works will be handled by Walesi Ltd. 

After a thorough assessment of fixed assets, list of equipment that will be transferred from FBCL to Walesi Ltd at an agreed price had been presented to the board of FBCL.

“A decision on this transfer is expected to be made soon. The Corporation has further indicated that analog equipment will still be used simultaneously as a backup until digital is fully functional and used up to the switch over time,” said the OAG at the time of the audit