Travellers urged to prevent dengue fever in Samoa

Photo: University of Sydney

Samoa’s Ministry of Health has urged travellers entering Samoa to take precautionary measures during the duration of their stay due to reports of a dengue fever outbreak.

The Ministry had declared a dengue fever outbreak last month.

“While the threat has been assessed as low, the Ministry continues to closely monitor the situation and will make changes to this advice accordingly,” the Ministry in a statement said.

a. Preventative measures include:

– Wear appropriate clothing to minimise skin exposure 

-Use mosquito nets and repellents such as lotion and sprays

– Dengue fever vaccines are also available at travel clinics in some countries however this vaccine is not available in Samoa

b. If you are experiencing any signs and symptoms such as:

– Acute onset of fever 2380C for at least 2 days, AND two or more of the following:

> Anorexia and nausea

> Aches and pains 

> Rash

c. Travellers with the above signs and symptoms must present to a nearest health facility immediately for testing and medical advice.