PNG Climate Change General Manager Alfred Rungol reinstated

Alfred Rungol

The Papua New Guinea Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) general manager for Measuring, Reporting, Verification and National Communication Alfred Rungol has been reinstated to his substantive position.

After a year-long court battle challenging his termination, Rungol who was a whistle blower on a massive fraud investigation into CCDA is now backing his substantive position.

He said that he was terminated due to his involvement in fighting corruption, malpractices and misuse of public funds in CCDA.

The Department of Personnel Management directed CCDA acting managing director William Lakain to reinstate Rungol to his substantive position without loss of salaries at the next viable pay period.

DPM secretary Taies Sansan formalised Rungol’s reinstatement on 28 August 2023 and 21 September 2023 respectively, following a successful redress of an unlawful termination of his employment contract by CCDA.

Sansan stated that the findings of the National Court in Originating Summons (OS) 41 of 2023 has now exhausted the legal process on the reinstatement of Rungol.

“The termination of his (Rungol) contract prematurely was done unlawfully and in breach of PSGO 9.0 as previously mentioned in my letter dated Oct 13, 2022. With all processes now exhausted, you (Lakain) are to grant Rungol access to the CCDA premises and all entitlements that come with the office,” Sansan stated.

She said delay in reinstating Rungol to his substantive position will be viewed as gross abuse of power, defiance of a lawful authority and contempt of Court Order. Sansan said Rungol was also a State witness regarding a massive police fraud investigation into CCDA should not be intimidated, harassed or threatened in any form.