PIANGO: Prioritise progress on loss and damage

The Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (PIANGO) wants greater action on mitigation, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ahead of the COP27 climate conference.

PIANGO says this requires the complete phasing out fossil fuels, including no new fossil fuel projects, ending subsidies and financing of fossil fuel and other carbon-emitting extractive industries; through safe and just transition to renewable and sustainable energy by 2050; and achieving actual emissions reductions at source rather than through the use of ‘blue’ carbon credits and other carbon offset schemes.

PIANGO wants:

*Urgent action on adaptation including financing and support for community-led initiatives.

*Urgent progress on the issue of Loss & Damage (L&D) by:

  • Securing separate, new and additional financing;
  • Establishing a Global Civil Society Taskforce, under the Warsaw International Mechanism, for Non-Economic Loss and Damage;
  • Establishing a Regional Civil Society Taskforce to ensure the Pacific voice in this process.

*Ensure the just, dignified and safe movement of peoples, in the context of climate change, especially:

  • Migration with dignity is protected by law and promoted in policy;
  • Planned relocation and resettlement programmes are community-focussed, consultative and based on free, prior and informed consent;

*Guaranteed access to finance, and the creation of more equitable finance arrangements, beginning with a review of regional and international financial architectures, with inputs from civil society organisations and other stakeholders.

COP27 begins on November 7th.