President Whipps sued in the U.S courts for alleged violation of the Compact Treaty

Surangel Whipps Jr. (Photo: Office of the President, Palau)

Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr. was sued in Sherman, Texas, USA and was served the court summons earlier this month while campaigning in Texas.

The lawsuit was filed by Christa NafstadToribiong, the current wife of former President Johnson Toribiong, against President Whipps both in his official and personal capacity.

In the suit,  Christa N. Toribiong alleges that President Whipps declared her an “undesirable alien” without due process as guaranteed under the Palau Compact of Free Association, which is also a United States Public Law 99-658.  She claimed she was illegally barred from entering the country due to her name being added to the list of “undesirable aliens,” forcefully keeping her apart from her spouse in Palau.

Furthermore, the lawsuit claims that she was blacklisted without notice, reason or hearing, violating her right to due process as a United States citizen under the Palau Compact of Free Association, Article IV, Section 142 (a).

The plaintiff further asserts that such forced separation has caused financial stress and “extreme” emotional damage, causing her to acquire Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 

In the lawsuit, Christa Toribiong seeks remedies to her situation, asking the court to declare that the decision to add her name to the undesirable alien list as invalid and in violation of the Compact of Free Association.

She also asked the court to declare the Defendant President Surangel Whipps, “does not have legal authority to include Toribiong in the List of Undesirable Aliens without any reason.”

The suit also demands that the court holds the Defendant (Whipps) liable both in his official capacity and individual capacity for his “intentional” action to bar her from entering Palau.

Finally, the plaintiff (Christa) seeks monetary compensation of $150,000 and attorney’s fees and removal of her name from the  list of “undesirable aliens.” Both Christa Nafstad Toribiong and her husband Johnson Toribiong filed a similar lawsuit against President Whipps in the Palau courts this February,  Christa Toribiong’s right to due process was violated.

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