Nauru reports over 800 COVID cases

PHOTO: Government of Nauru

Nauru has reported an increase of 861 active cases of COVID-19 with 191 new cases and 4,597 tests conducted as of Wednesday June 22, 2022.

In a statement released Thursday, Nauru health authorities have confirmed COVID-positive cases are almost doubling every two days. Eleven people remain in ACU for observation (including two maternity cases, one child is discharged to the quarantine facility and observed by nurses in quarantine). And 110 houses are in isolation or lockdown.

It is reported that everyone is stable and no one is in a critical condition or needing a ventilator. 

Nauruans have been advised to follow these instructions:

  • If found COVID-positive, self-isolate at home or at a government quarantine facility for 13 days and until three days without symptoms have passed before ending the isolation period.
  • Close contacts are to self-isolate at home for six days. 
  • More vaccines will arrive to provide further doses for everyone who still requires their first two shots or missed out on the booster (3rd shot); as well as for the 4th dose.

President Aingimea thanked the Australian Government for funding the vaccines for children 5-11 years as 6,600 doses arrived into the country Wednesday night. The Nauru Government confirmed that a vaccine drive-through station will be set up for this age group. 

“There are still unrecorded cases out in the community,” Nauru health authorities warned. “Do not be alarmed about the rising numbers, this is to be expected. We have prepared for a long time in the event that COVID reaches our community.

“We will eventually have to live with the virus as other countries have, but in the meantime, we must follow our health protocols and maintain the rules in place of hand washing, wear masks, sanitise, avoid close contacts, and minimise movements.”