FNPF pays out F$49.1 million in COVID-19 scheme

The Fiji National Provident Fund says its has paid out F$49.1 million (US$22m) to 77,507 members under the COVID-19 withdrawal scheme, with most applications now processed.

The FNPF says 86,854 applications in total were lodged, and close to 4,600 members will be paid out this week.  

Government subsidies accounted for more than $6.67 million, the remainder came from members’ own funds.

Chief Executive Officer Jaoji Koroi says withdrawals related to Tropical Cyclone Harold continue as well. The FNPF has received around 722 applications for that withdrawal scheme and paid out $797,194 to 606 members. “Our teams have completed inspection for the maritime zones – specifically for Kadavu, Vatulele and a few islands in the Lau Group,” says Mr Koroi. “Majority of members contacting the Fund do not live in the affected area but their homes were damaged. These members have been advised to apply for the housing assistance scheme to repair their homes provided they meet the qualifying requirements”, Mr Koroi adds.

The TC Harold withdrawal scheme only targeted members whose homes were damaged and also reside in areas that were declared a natural disaster area by the National Disaster Management Office.