A trip to remember: Moce island

The trip to Moce in Fiji’s Lau group, I must admit, was scary but thrilling for me. It was the first time I’ve travelled by boat by myself, and I didn’t know anyone else aboard.

At the back of my mind as I boarded the Lomaiviti Princess IV, was how I was going to manoeuvre around the village because, first of all, I’m a woman, and second, I’m not from Moce island.

I need not have worried. As soon as I sat down, two wonderful gentlemen befriended me. I instantly felt at ease as Alifereti Bogiva and Taniela Gaunavou started advising me on what to do and what to expect on Moce.  

They had lots of practical advice for the voyage too. I had brought food with me, as I intended to eat during the ride, but Alifereti insisted I eat before the boat moved. “Sera, you need to eat now before the boat leaves because you won’t be able to get a chance to eat dinner tonight because it will be rough seas, and also you need to have something in your stomach to avoid getting seasick,” he said, with Taniela agreed wholeheartedly.

Read all about Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti’s Lau adventure at the Fiji Traveller website.

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