Movers & Shakers

KIRIBATI’S partially state-owned fisheries company Kiribati Fish Ltd, which is controlled by Shanghai Fisheries General Corporation (Group), announced late last year it will supply fish certified as sustainable by

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India deal for Fiji hospital

THEFIJIANS could expect an upgrade to their medical health services, in light of the new private hospital partnership between the MIOT International arm, one of India’s top hospitals and the BSP Life. Under this

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Slip, slipping away-Indon losing Melanesia

LAST month, New Zealand-based analyst Jose Sousa-Santos commented on Twitter that “Indonesia’s attempt at buying support from the Pacific region seems to have little to no impact on Melanesia’s stance

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Strengthen the borders

IT has taken an Iranian asylum seeker to show just how porous the region’s international borders are. Loghman Sawari broke out of Papua New Guinea and into Fiji, crossing at least five border checks in the process. In

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