Chinese connection : The good, the bad and the ugly

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Enter the dragon

THE need to boost national economies through foreign business investment is not lost on any Pacific island country. Talks in Brisbane last month saw the region’s leaders focusing on the need for a regional

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PNG crackdown on bad Chinese traders

PAPUA New Guinea has seen a series of anti-Chinese protests and riots in recent years, driven by the increasing number of Asian nationals taking over small businesses. The latest anti-Chinese aggression, though less

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FANTASY ISLANDS; Once polluted, unusable space is now Tuvalu’s future.

IN the South China Sea, the Chinese Government has now built up a string of artificial islands that are robust enough to hold aircraft bases and give their regional neighbours a serious case of the jitters. Millions of

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VANUATU tax haven opens doors

THE opening up of the pre-independence tax haven in Vanuatu did not, of itself, bring in the large numbers of Chinese immigrants the country hosts today. As one of Vanuatu’s two colonial masters, the British

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Palau puts in place measures to control Chinese ‘takeover’

TWO years ago the number of Chinese tourists that travel to Palau barely reached 30,000, but by 2015, there were 87,058 visitors from China and the glaring change was that this market have edged out the other markets

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Kanaki parties debate their future

THEY came from the north, the South and the islands of New Caledonia. Delegates from the Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) gathered at Ko We Kara on 5-6 March, for the first congress of

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US’ ‘corrosive influence’ on the Pacific

Clinton emails show disquiet over US corruption, incompetence CORRUPTION, neocolonialism and incompetence. Those sorts of attacks usually come from critics of the United States but the latest release of emails from

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Small islands BIG secrets

Leaked documents reveal billions in bribes, tax dodging TEN different Pacific Island states have been linked with billions of dollars in shady offshore banking and tax haven deals, in two major media exposes.

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Digicel acquires Sky Pacific – with restrictions

TELECOMMUNICATIONS giant Digicel has acquired ownership and direct control of the region’s largest satellite-based television network, Sky Pacific. Formal acquisition, from 1st April 2016, came six months after

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Road to recovery: Fiji growth forecast in the wake of Winston

THE Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) expects economic growth for the rest of this year to be driven by significant post-Cyclone Winston reconstruction work and continuing strong activity in the retail and tourism sectors. It

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Tropical paradise ready to inherit

ESPIRITU Santo, Vanuatu’s northernmost “big island”, and its people, stand ready to benefit from the glorious treasures with which nature has endowed it, and which the messy administration of a

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