FNPF buys out GPH partners

Unconfirmed reports have emerged that the Grand Pacific Hotel (GPH) in Fiji is now fully owned by the Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF). The historic building, local landmark and well known icon of South Pacific

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Publisher’s Note

When Malaysia’s Prime Minister-inwaiting and leader of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim spoke at the Singapore Summit on 15 September to talk about the state of his country, the lessons he shared were

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Step Up War Against Drugs

Parcels of hard drugs washing up on the shores of some remote and isolated islands in Fiji, the numerous arrests of drug dealers in Tonga and now the detention of what’s believed to be an armoured boat in the

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Keep the China/Taiwan spat in check

THE controversy surrounding the ejection of China’s head of delegation from a meeting between Pacific leaders and donor partners at the 49th Pacific Islands Forum in Nauru was unfortunate as much as it was avertable.

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Victory for Nauru 19

Nauru ’s justice minister David Adeang’s conduct in a case involving 17 men and two women charged in connection with a protest outside the island parliament more than three years ago was a shameful affront to

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Will Australia abandon the Pacific on climate change?

The reaction in Pacific Island capitals to the leadership coup on 24 August that deposed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was much the same as that of many Australians. Shock, incomprehension and a degree of

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From the Balkans, to the Pacific

In August, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) held two very public events in Fiji which signaled a new proactive approach in their work in Fiji. One was the launch of a new study it produced, funded by the

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Islands Business September 2018 edition

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