Corporates show softer side

ON July 29 it will be out of the corporate boardroom, off the factory floor and off to Albert Park in Fiji’s capital – Suva. Managers, board members and staff will get behind wheelbarrows in a push for charity and the Frank Hilton Organization.

This is the second year that the foundation has reached out to businesses and appealed for a show of corporate responsibity to children with disabilities. Among the first to respond was Sun Insurance, a leading firm in its field. Lysaght Bluescope, last year’s winners, will field two teams in July and will run for a special purpose.

The Frank Hilton Organization also operates an Early Intervention Centre with physiotherapy, wheelchair and audiology facilities and a hostel for children with special needs. Money raised in what is known as the Amazing Race will go towards operating the Hilton programes.

That includes paying for teachers, transportation of children, repairs to facilities and provision of meals. Sureni Perera, CEO of the Frank Hilton Organization, said the support of the corporate community had been amazing. “We are very thankful for their support and it will directly impact the lives of the children,” Ms Perera said.

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